Sasami Not Trying Etc #11 — Instant Messaging
March 21st, 2013
Oh boy! Text!
Sorry about the downtime. No idea what was going on there. Rats in the servers or something. Things are up and running now though. Also, FYI, the final episode here will have a delayed broadcast next week.
Apparently this is going to be another show that’s not going to end so much as simply stop next week. Maybe we could’ve shuffled some of Sasami’s mother stuff with all this time wasting "look at some boobs" stuff so it could at least end on something of a high note, or at the very least something at least mistakable for something meaningful. Alas, apparently not.
This was pretty much the same as last week only significantly cheaper. The instant message is not a directing tool, Shinbo. Stop that. Sasami’s melodrama over Kagami is as poor as ever, but at least it didn’t consume the entire episode. Edogawa also still has no purpose other than hopping around, filling time by giving Shinbo buzzwords to spit out to show how in he is with the cool crowd, and boobs. Yawn.
Posted in Sasami | 2 Comments »
Sasami and Kagami Hug!
Make my all season