Sasami Doesn’t Try #02 — Wide Angle Shots From Far Away

January 17th, 2013


Wow. The budget sure disappeared fast.


My alerts started going off when the very first frame of this episode was a giant closeup of an eye. What then followed was two straight minutes of infodumping the entire setting with gods, Amaterasu, etc, and recapping last week’s episode. It basically boils down to "Things happen out of control related to what’s going on because of random divinity. The sisters stop them." You know, like about 90% of 80s cartoons, only nobody ever learns a lesson about not doing drugs here, which is something that probably does need to be taught. After that, terrible CG Jenga. I think the most embarrassing part though may have been that it looked like they only drew one frame of a pair of hands and then just waved them around the keyboard fast enough to make it look like there was typing going on.

But yeah. I think the screenshots can speak pretty well for themselves as far as the plunge off the fiscal cliff here is concerned. They tried to use strange looking reaction stills (references I’m sure) of Sasami, but I’m pretty sure that at least 5 minutes of the episode was in… that. It had all the interest and excitement that you’d expect of watching a LAN party from 30 feet away. The long distance shots didn’t improve even once the game took over. Instead, it was watching people from 30 feet away watch a hydra (well, Orochi) from a couple hundred feet away over exposition. Great bloody use of visuals, Shaft.

Posted in Sasami | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Dynellen says:

    I was kinda afraid of this after last week’s long action fest. Well this being Shaft this’ll probably look good in the BD’s, I’m hoping they do more scenes with their RPG avatars to replace the stills.

    Let’s see if next week is any better or whether same thing continues. Shaft really excels at falling behind schedule and results are often like this.

  • slicedice says:

    Shiz. I was so hoping it would stay as surreal as the first episode. Ehhh, I’ll hold out a little longer. Nothing else this season is very good.

  • algorithm says:

    First one already was tiresome enough, screenshots tell me to gtfo.

    This season will end with only 2 minutes of Senyu every week.