Problem Children #02 — Girls on Large Animals
January 18th, 2013
Needs more rabbit and/or rabbit abuse.
What little interest in Maoyuu that I had remaining was successfully beaten down by this week’s episode being just about as exciting as gruel.
This wasn’t the most inspired episode either though. The waves of exposition continued, and not even small girls manhandling girlhandling large mythical animals and weretigers were really enough to make it exciting. Much of the last third was also concentrated on the animal girl, who is easily the least interesting of the entire lot, and made even less interesting by tossing in flashbacks to the middle of riding a griffon. Because when you’re in a magic world, riding upside down on the back of what is an elephant-sized crossbreed between an eagle and lion, that’s what makes you think of daddy. Freud would have a field day with that. At least it wasn’t to mope and feel sorry for herself in the middle of it, but it was still of the crowbared-in school of attempted character ‘development.’
Hopefully the vamp at the end will step things up a little bit or add a little more direct conflict.
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Hey my name’s Petah, Petah Griffin.