That’s Why I Can’t Have Sex #12 — More Dog Abuse
September 25th, 2012
German shepherds should not be used like that.
It’s more than a little disturbing that they used an entire dog to censor his penis. It’s more disturbing that they kept showing it too. You can just… you know… not start the camera focused on his dick. Nothing would have been lost. But anyway, nothing special here. They cut over what could’ve been a fight, Lis goes inside him, admits that she likes him, convenient curse dissolves in a flood of sparklies and gasps of surprise, harem status quo right back to where it was 5 episodes ago, run ED. The end. Great. Glad the thing that we spent the better part of a month on ultimately led nowhere. That’s what really makes for a memorable conclusion right there. A fat lot of nothing.
Final Thoughts:
There’s not a whole bunch left to say here. It went from amusingly and incomprehensibly bad to just a flat out parade of poor attempts at overblow melodrama. The animation was often not bad, but since every single battle was the same sequence of "Protagonists struggle and lose until exploding with a mysterious power" and almost all of them were against generic CG blobs, they all just blended together into an indistinguishable mess. They were struggling with the same things in episode 9 as they were in episode 1 and dispatched the ‘last boss’ with as much difficulty as they did his CG grunts an episode earlier.
The entire last month was when it got truly awful though by wallowing in its horribly machinated melodrama instead of nonsense about centaurs reading porn. None of the characters were anywhere close to strong enough for multiple episodes of nothing but brooding, not to mention that the everything about the curse was just laughably horrible. And again defeated by them struggling against… nothing… before dissolving it with a burst of mysterious power/sparklies. Fan-goddamned-tastic.
Posted in No Sex | 7 Comments »
So uh, congrats for completing a fucking terrible show?