From the New World #01 — Scenery Porn

September 28th, 2012


At least it’s pretty scenery porn.


It seemed to start decently with some nice direction and wanton bloodshed. That was followed after by children screaming, bad CG scenery porn, and the director getting his head stuck up his own ass. If this show was trying any harder, it’d be a comedy. Maybe it already is. Someone needs to tell the composer to back the hell off. Almost every single goddamned scene had a mysterious spooky riff attached to it. Less is more. And the few that did not were instead filled with shrieking pre-teens. A ball gag or eight would not have gone amiss.

Production and art was at least technically solid for the most part. There were some really cheap parts though, mostly scenery porn (especially the long shot with children screaming at the top of their lungs at the start) and ugly CG tossed in because apparently it’s too difficult to draw a piece of wood or a card. The music and direction was pretty poor though. Sheer aesthetics, fine, but expressive or indicative of the scene? Ugh. Children looking at insects? Better make sure that has the same tone as mystic rituals, psychics splattering people, and classroom storytelling. Some contrast between the different parts of the episode would’ve helped a lot more than making every scene blend together into just one continuous string of "This is sooooooo eerie and meaningful, right guys?" regardless of what was actually going on. Or maybe just a little subtlety instead of the 100 ton hammer of constant religious chanting.

The main issue in the end though is that everything was more focused on the world instead of the characters. Characters must drive the story. No exceptions. There has to be at least some tiny connection to them. This was ostensibly centered around one, but she was little more than a prop, moving from point A to B where some new tidbit would be hinted at. After I finished the episode, I didn’t want to see a single one of any of them ever again and that is not a place any show should be.



Posted in Anime | 16 Comments »

16 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Aroduc says:


  • MisaoFan says:

    I heard the novel has interesting character development, so I’m betting the anime will have the same. The main problem however is that the pacing and beginning are slow as they focus too much on setting. Hopefully, they will focus on characters later on.

  • leokiko says:

    I agree. This might be a good anime, so you should just drop it now while you can.

  • Pp1T says:

    Isn’t this the series with the gay child rape?

  • algorithm says:

    Dropped when?
    When drama.
    Before sex.

  • algorithm says:

    Why those fucking horrible bugeyes designs?

  • Wilfriback says:

    “If this show was trying any harder, it’d be a comedy.”

    No, no, no guys.

    This show is the ITS SO BAD THAT MIGHT BE GOOD kind of show, seriously, even the manga has its own priorities and by priorities I mean fanservice and pointless bloodshed, heck, bloodshed is supposed to be erm… gory or fascinating… I do not have the proper words to describe it XD

  • Karry says:


  • pata says:

    This is a tv asahi show, you should drop it while it still not sucks…

  • Gorilla13 says:

    What a bad start for a new season…

  • The Phantom says:

    This looks pretty good, so yea it’s not going to be blogged here.

  • someone says:

    I love how you just missed one of the best shows I’ve seen, and seems that other reviewers think aswell, in my life.
    “The main issue in the end though is that everything was more focused on the world instead of the characters.” I’VE NEVER SEEN SUCH GREAT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT (with time skips and everything) AS YOU COULD SEE IN SHIN SEKAI.