BTOOOM! #02 — Everybody’s Getting Raped!

September 30th, 2012


Why not have them murdered too? That’d be extra super ultimate dramatic.

Oh right, because then they wouldn’t be able to scream that it was your fault at you afterwards.


Well, better than the first episode, mostly thanks to not having some dumbass narrating every single damn thing, but then again, we had less of a reaction this episode to a guy getting his throat slit to someone running into a spiderweb. And what’d they do after witnessing the murder? Apparently nothing because they cut straight from that to her napping. Things got pretty ridiculous in the late going when it turned into about five straight minutes of attempted rape, and flashbacks about the rapes and beatings of her friends because of her. But since they’re such considerate rapists, they let everybody go afterwards. There’s probably something to be said about the Japanese justice system here, but still. Good god. Less is more and "It’s my fault that all my friends were beaten and gangraped" is the opposite of that. At least the hilariously awful censoring gave that scene some comedy value.

So no, color me not impressed by the first two episodes. This one was markedly better than the first, but everything is still so overblown to the point where it’s just silly. These aren’t characters, they’re walking melodrama machines. It’s just that one is better at shutting up about it.

Posted in Anime | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • algorithm says:

    How long is that BTOOOOOOOOOOOOM gonna be?
    They’ll either soften up or the opposite.

  • Gorilla13 says:

    Not enough rape…