That’s Why We Can’t Have Sex #07 — Porn Music

August 16th, 2012


They were trying entirely too hard this week.


For the first time ever, after two months, the battle didn’t end with one of the characters randomly exploding with magical power to win. In a true twist of fate, they just flat out lost. Kind of. Apparently it wasn’t that much of a battle since he had time to literally just pick her up and walk away before Ilya fell out of the sky to one-shot everything. But since she didn’t have to be beaten up first, I’m counting it enough of a change to the standard formula to count. And then they carted him off to Lis’s home where they stripped him naked and licked/fondled/breasted him back to full health. Because why not. Same reason Q wants to ride his centaur too, one imagines. I’m also not entirely certain what that random bit of censorship in the middle of it was. Or why he suddenly has PTSD from the seventh time he was molested by a CG monster but not any of the first six.

Almost the entirety of the rest was just infodumping in various forms, which was at least probably 75% of the episode with a chunk of the rest being flashbacks tossed in because apparently only after she’s kidnapped are we supposed to care about whose-her-face. Great composition there, Feel. Not that I pretend to know about dimensional travelling or otherworld physics, but you’d think there’d be a better time for it than while in freefall. Or at least they’d have told him about how they’d land so he didn’t scream his head off like an imbecile. Ilya’s horn also looked especially phallic this week. Just putting that out there.


Sexual healing.

Posted in No Sex | 11 Comments »

11 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • jingoi says:

    Next ep- No more hair censors for Lisara v.2?

  • Shirokuma says:

    A dog! But it’s not Caesar…

  • ark noir says:

    The purple headed maid went to the Gene Simmons school of tongue flapping

  • Wilfriback says:
    Look carefully at the tongue.

  • Shadow says:

    The power of the pennis

  • Jack says:

    You might already know this, but for those that don’t:

    – Future ‘So, I Can’t Play H!’ Episodes Delayed by 1 Week

    The premium television channel AT-X announced on Friday that the eighth episode of the So, I Can’t Play H! (Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai.) anime has been delayed due to its “late production schedule.” The official website for the anime also confirmed the news.

    Instead of running the eighth episode twice on Friday, August 24, AT-X will run a compilation episode. AT-X will premiere the eighth episode on Tuesday, August 28, followed by reruns on Friday, August 31. Future episodes will premiere on Tuesdays, instead of on Fridays as before.

    • Aroduc says:

      Cute. Its new airtime is primetime, which puts it at 1am my time. Funderful.

    • Benigmatica says:

      I guess they don’t want to complete with Estetica…

      • KLACMAN says:

        yea i guess keep it away boss akatsuki cause he might travel to their world & who what boss akatsuki would do to lisara, cule, mina, & iria.

        oh well give next week is like clip show then aug 28 new eps for at-x network.

  • Benigmatica says:

    I guess Lisara’s mother won’t pop Ryousuke’s cherry on this episode, but Kyuuru/Cuele will on Episode 8? What a turn of events!

  • DE-KLAC-CADE says:

    this week ep

    iria seem bit hmm give got call from her bosses.
    ryosuke, lisara & cule now grimworld give ryosuke want to charge battle.
    mina see she is bait for ryosuke’s sword.
    charge the battle give bad idea give got cule hurt & almost cooked goose til iria rescue.
    now ryosuke meet lisara’s smokin mom while get “healing” from her & the maids.
    lisara go sneak in with iria to get mina.
    ryosuke recall how good times with mina.
    & now cule want to do “healing” with ryosuke.

    really all this wonder if ryosuke is long lost relative of issei?! & oh well next ep seem bit oh my.