That’s Why I Can’t Have Sex #06 — Quick! Everybody Sit Around This Laptop!
August 9th, 2012
And that’s how we’ll spend the entire first half of the episode.
Well, now that I’ve already summarized the first ten minutes… Okay, fine. They also talked about exactly whose mom was a big ho-bag and picked up strangers out of the rain to do things involving ‘swords’ and the insertion thereinto. Such a compelling and unique sequence of events totally deserved an entre half of an episode to tell it. With all the characters centered around the most reflective laptop screen imagnable. Couldn’t they have at least done that in the bathtub? It’s not like Doofus was needed for any of it.
Then five more minutes of futzing around over feeeeeeeeelings before… and wait for this twist because it’s totally new and unique for this show… they fought a CG monster, lost, and then someone’s magical power suddenly exploded and killed it in one shot. I kid. They’ve done that before. The real twist was that the antagonist showed up after that to kidnap the useless one. I kid again. They’re all useless. The really annoying part was the metallic ring in the background for almost the entire last third of the epsode. That set my teeth on edge juuuuust a bit, so when Lis gasped in shock at the suggestion that they should go save her and the cliffhanger came up that they were… *gasp* running off to magic land, at least I could laugh, mostly in relief from the aural torture.
Posted in No Sex | 13 Comments »
This Show suck, you know it would be suck since first episode but you still blog, just be sincered and you just watch for the fanservice