The Woman Named Fujiko Mine #08 — Monkey Delivery Service
May 23rd, 2012
I’m worried that something like that may actually exist.
A very boring episode consisting mostly of people wandering from one spot to the next to expound at each other… at length. The first 18 minutes or so are utterly forgettable. I guess it was meant to show Lupin and Jigen starting to work together and be a transition into whatever the hell they’re doing with Fujiko’s past, but between wizened hands reaching through a mirror, a pantsless owl seemingly raping her, and the previously appearing owl people researchers examining her, I’ve long since given up trying to make a whit of sense of any of that. I suspect the writers have as well and are just opting to be bizarre.
One thing I don’t like about this episode that brought back bad memories of the most recent special was how casually the entire protagonist side was shooting people in the head. Especially at the start, Fujiko’s casual murders so that she could… sleep naked under whatever the hell that was… not only push her into the realm of psychopath, but also undermine the later scene of her snapping and murdering Old Man of the Week. She just killed a bunch of people without a second thought, why should I take her killing an admittedly evil one any more seriously? Because you have dramatic music playing? Jigen sniping cops in the head during the fire fight was marginally better, I guess, but it’s still impossible to buy the whole gentleman and lovable thief character when they’re leaving a mountain of corpses behind them.
Posted in Lupin III | 3 Comments »
You know that in New York someone tried to start up an unmanned drone taco delivery service? It was denied, but the NYPD being allowed to use them sets a precedent so it’s only a matter of time…