Aquarion EVOL #20 — Penises For Everybody!

May 13th, 2012


Miniature Altair flags for others.


Surprisingly boring and frankly, a rather crappy episode. The whole Mix thing was completely ignored until the very end so they could faff about with… practically nothing. Yunoha and Zessica’s bodies continued to ‘change’ while Izumo rambled aimlessly about a ‘curse’ of Altair’s air. WHATEVER COULD IT BE? At the same time, Mikono found Fudo and got to listen to one of his generic donut philosophy lectures which could be taken as anything from "The end of the world is coming" to "Make sure you eat a proper breakfast." And that’s to say nothing of the terrible second OP being jammed in as an insert song for them to fight… nothing for a while and then Mix for a couple seconds before she just locks down everything… at which point Amata has a flashback to about three minutes prior where we learn… GASP… the curse of Altair is stealing breasts and replacing them with penises, which makes Andy go berserk, which somehow allowed Shrade to open a portal back to their world. And then Kagura used his super power, appearing as a cliffhanger at the end of the episode. Again.

Andy’s little commando act was about the only particularly watchable part of the whole episode. Everything else was just stretched out, pointless, or just bizarre. The worst offender was Izumo about to reveal something about Amata’s father before getting cut off by random soldiers alerting him to an attack after the room had already been half-destroyed by an explosion. Mix’s utter lack of participation in the episode was also particularly frustrating. All (s)he did was plug up the holes to let people know (s)he was there and then go "Mix? My name is Mixy." Way to show up.


Fudo Mikono.

Posted in Aquarion | 12 Comments »

12 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • MisaoFan says:

    Is it just me or is Mix actually a trap ?

  • Anonymous says:

    Donuts are the meaning of life.

  • Benigmatica says:

    Neo-DEAVA should recruit a plastic surgeon who can perform sex-change if they rescue Mix… But they forgot about it!

  • k says:

    I think Izumo was about to say ‘I am your father’ when Aquarion Sparda interrupted. lol


    holy (bleep) it’s rule 63 in the worst way!!!

    yikes so that women who enter altair would later on turn into men?!

    we’re screwed we need women keep them safe.

  • Shirokuma says:

    Andy’s in love with her boobs confirmed.

  • arknoir says:

    Fudo: Do not try and bend the doughnut. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.
    Mikono: What truth?
    Fudo: There is no doughnout.
    Mikono: There is no doughnut?
    Fudo: Then you’ll see, that it is not the doughnut that bends, it is only yourself.

  • bk47 says:

    is it me or as a name mix is manlier then Mixy