Place to Place #02 — Sweets and Meats

April 12th, 2012


Delicious meats.


I think they did a much better job with this episode in just about every way. For starters, while the 4 panel format was still very firmly in place, things flowed together a lot better since the first and second halves were their own distinct segments where everything was actually connected to each other instead of just cutting from one joke/setting to the next. The show’s energy was also cut down quite a bit, making the sedate music work much better with it. There were still times when the clash didn’t work very well, particularly at the start of the second half with all the Valentine’s rantings, but mostly, it was a lot more cohesive this time around. I think it was the lessened focus on Shouty Male Sidekick that helped. He’s about twice as loud and obnoxious as everybody else. I’ll bother learning names eventually.

Otherwise, not tremendously different from last week. One fairly generic maid cafe segment and one Valentine’s Day segment. Talking about being a waitress, talking about cakes, giving self as a present, chocolate lipstick, vows of revenge for White Day, etc. It is not exactly the most creative thing in existence, but it at least does not waste time or have any particularly awful segments, something always appreciated. Tsumiki still remains cute, I just wish the jokes were a bit better. Okay, a lot better.


More headcrabs.

Posted in Place² | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • marke says:

    I’m quite intrigued since aic’ isn’t making this a another fanservice show… but Its 40% animation, 60% after effects though!