Happy Bread #02 — Bread Mom

April 19th, 2012


That’s disturbing for multiple reasons.


I’m still struggling to figure out just what the hell this show is trying to do or be, and I think it is too. The supposedly main heroine for the game finally shows up at the very end of the episode, but most of it is focused on Aerie befriending some kid whose mother is forced to leave her alone multiple times during a storm. I don’t even want to get in to how disturbing it is to bake a bread-doll substitute for her mother (in record time no less) and then presumably eat it. Although after she spent the night apparently hugging it, I’m not sure it’s edible anymore. Still, nothing was really added to either Aerie or Rick besides the same thing as last week, happy bread makes people happy. Thrilling.

The bread dance can only carry the show so far and it better actually do something next week. The preview does have some hints of action and Rick brandishing… something… so hopefully we’re done with our generic bread about town bits. I doubt I’ll last beyond next week if it’s not.



Unconscious girls and form fitting suits.

Posted in Shining Hearts | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Nanaya says:

    Well, that was… odd. Possibly creepy. I think some of the writers from sankarea accidently went to the wrong room and got through half the episode before they figured it out.

  • Kururin says:

    Well, at least we’re now aware that the townsfolk doesn’t just eat bread…
    I liked Rental Magica so I’m going to try and hang on for as long as I can.

  • Jack says:

    Besides creepy narcoleptic bread eaters, who exactly is the audience for this show? Guys living in their parents basement longing for a romance with a warm loaf?