Dusk Maiden of Amnesia #04 — Open Invitation

April 29th, 2012


*Gasp* Handholding!


Well, this episode was a drastic step down from the previous three and genuinely bland, if not just outright bad. So much for moving on once they assembled the main cast. They teased for a while about searching for another ghost besides Yuuko, but ended up continuing up just having it lurk the background in a couple shots and watch Kirie sleep while giggling. Given Yuuko’s reaction though, as well as how the show’s been overall, I have a hard time taking the cliffhanger very seriously. 

Anyway, the first half was Yuuko moping about Teiichi not hanging out with her over the summer since she doesn’t have anybody else. And… that’s about it. Which didn’t even work very well since she was sitting at the edge the whole time and has never been shy about getting messing with them before. When offered to touch anywhere, he picked her hand which is totally meaningful and stuff. Handholding being third base for the Japanese after all. Then the second half was her telling him all about a curse stone then showing it to him and shock, she had scribbled his name all over it in magic marker. That would’ve worked a lot better if she had been pulling pranks on him or messing with him for the entire episode instead of… well… no setup to it at all besides explaining what it was and why anybody should care. 

Posted in Dusk Maiden | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sterling01 says:

    Wow the pool chapter already? I have no idea how they are adapting this.

  • Anise_Punter says:

    Pool chapters definitely work best when all the participants are actively unappealing. Not at all sure what anyone was thinking here.

  • Zoberraz says:

    No desk lifting?


  • Nan says:

    >When offered to touch anywhere, he picked her hand which is totally meaningful and stuff.

    I think you were reading too much into it. He’s twelve, that age/personality and free initiative don’t mix.

    • Aroduc says:

      I’m pretty sure it’s just a pansy and/or Japanese male protagonist thing despite having three or four long focus shots of them holding hands after that.

    • tango says:

      I agree.
      I don’t see where the problem is when 12 years old unexperienced guy acts like that.

  • TT says:

    Holding hands is a really big thing in Japan..