Aquarion EVOL #17 — This Episode Is Bananas

April 22nd, 2012


I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist.


Another episode of Aquarion that went from zero to bizarre with the speed of bananas. Actually, that’s a lie. Its rampant banana fetish was pretty weird. Andy also pretty much deserved getting beaten down for propositioning Mix about her hole. This is why you don’t mix metaphors when talking about your feelings. And then he sunk into depression until he accidentally dug a hole through the ship and into an underground area which generated a hot spring that turned the cockpits into hot tubs and everybody had a mass clusterpunch… literally… to defeat the blizzardbot… with the power of bananas. At the same time, the army was talking about the meaning of said bananas while Zess and Mikono moaned in naked, glowing, orgasmic bliss. I also have no idea what they were thinking with that musical stinger going into the commercial break/eyecatch. That was so far past Evol’s usual silliness and into another world of corniness.

I guess the main event of the week was Zess and Mikono talking a little bit and her deciding to be a little girlier. I’d be happier about it if she wasn’t apparently angsting again in the shower next week. Maybe it’ll means she’ll at least start interacting with Amata a little more to give the potential relationship a little more credence instead of just moping in the corner. It’s a little late in the game for that though. She doesn’t have the background or development with Amata for any fo this to have much impact, especially with Kagura temporarily forgotten again.


Yet more sad Zessica.

Posted in Aquarion | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • anon says:

    I’m surprised you didn’t mention her dress, which somehow manages to be more revealing than her regular clothes in the breast department. Those straps technically shouldn’t be covering anything up.

    • Aroduc says:

      I’m pretty sure it’s just flesh colored, although with the show’s writing, god only knows.

  • GF202020 says:

    …would you kill me if I left a Bananaphone comment?

  • Athos says:

    It’s almost disturbing how accurate that entire first paragraph was.

  • Takebou says:

    It’s kind of weird how they have to do something offbeat almost every 2-3 episodes for no reason whatsoever.

  • Shirokuma says:

    The million question : how many bananas are needed to fill MIX’s hole?


    what the banana is this yea only other banana anime i recall was girls bravo.

    & yet what are odds maybe zess might pull a “Sirius heel” if happen.

    oh near remain eps bag face will finally get it’s moment (hey what save the surprise for last?)