Aquarion EVOL #16 — Bye Bye Missiles

April 15th, 2012


That doesn’t sound as menacing as you might think, Aquarion.


This was another episode that went from 0 to Weird in about 3 seconds flat. Okay, I’m overexaggerating. It took closer to 20 seconds to montage through every single member of the cast. "Love?" "Love?" "Love?" "Love?" "Love?" "Love?" "Love?" "Love?" "Love?" Love?" "…………LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!" That is some goddamned compelling dialogue right there. It was also far from 0 at that point too. I actually liked seeing the Indian characters kick the threesome around a bit. Cayenne was more or less useless without being able to shoot people in the back (like usual), but they have the dual powers of breaking things and being a terrible pun on the word fujoshi (rust/corroding things). That actually made me wince a little bit, Okada. Zess’s whole "destroying random archways when she see Amata and Mikono getting along" thing also turned out to be about 95% less malicious than expected too, although why you’d introduce and frame it as jealousy and then repaint it as insecurity with detonating sticky cans in the face is a question best left for the scholars.

Anyway, training exercise, MCs get beat up, Zess yells her love, unbalanced love power interdimensional attack punches a whole in time and lets see a series of flashbacks to what I have to assume is footage from the first series where they all learn the true history of Apollon and Sylvie. You know… the usual. It wouldn’t surprise me if they just made some random stuff up either though. The middle training fight was solid at the very least although it begs the question why neither of these two clearly overpowered and more than willing participants in the army sponsored threesomes have been allower to fight yet. I’m also trying not to think too hard about the lover-powered mass hallucination of revelation lest my brain snap.

And next week, BEACH EPISODE!



You’re going to get tanlines like that, girl.

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