Listen to What Your Father Says! #09 — Schoolgirl Prostitution
March 6th, 2012
All this for a shoe buff.
On most other Feel shows, that’d be a euphemism for some kind of sexual act liable to get you sent to jail.
FYI, the blog will be down for probably a couple hours tomorrow while I take care of some server-side stuff. It’s expected.
And on a very special episode of What’s Not Happening, Miu engages in schoolgirl prostitution because her shoes got dirty and she wanted new ones. This also meant that we got not one, not two, but three montages before it even hit the 14 minute mark. They were also in some kind of foreign city of horrors where everything was CG. The train was bad enough, but then there were CG people everywhere too… shuffling around like zombies with their freakish stilt limbs jerkily drifting across the ground.
And that’s about it. Miu was sad her shoes got stepped on, who’s-his-face took her out on a date and spent the buck fifty to have them cleaned and teach her the valuable life lesson of… I don’t even know. Compelling family drama. The only other things of note in the episode that I can recall are the obligatory-but-rare-for-this-show panty shots while they were running up the stairs at the start and Miu’s crotch being launched into the camera. Also, Hina’s grinning a little too happily about being naked in the bath with still-don’t-remember-his-name. That’s what happens when nobody bloody uses it and you’re so indistinctive that not even mold will bother growing on you.
Generica majorus.
Posted in Listen To Father | 7 Comments »
I wonder if Shuntaro would still be considered a lolicon if he and Kouichi switched roles?