Guilty Clown #19 — Killer Clowngasms
March 1st, 2012
Shu has digivolved to Mary Sue!
Okay, so Shu was pretty much a Mary Sue to begin with, but now that his destiny is to be the one who takes in all the virus and then have the good graces to die at the end of it (ha, like there won’t be some other deus ex to stop that), he’s completed his total evolution. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Most of this episode wasn’t about Shu at all, thankfully. Well, sort of. I spent half the episode wondering if I should remember who these people were that were taking Haruka in after she betrayed the bad guys and ran off with the last hope, another Void Genome. Then a couple minutes later it became a moot point anyway when they were pretty much all killed by Segai in a bobble hat. That is one damn adorable little bobble hat for a clown too. It even has dangly ear covers to make sure he doesn’t get cold. Because nothing quite strikes terror into the hearts and minds of captives like a clown with a mechanical eye in a bobble hat. I can’t even tell whether or not I’m being sarcastic anymore.
*Ahem* Then he finally catches up to Haruka, shoots and knifes the Genome a few times because the only person with enough agility and mobility to try and grab it was somehow Ayase, before Shu picks it up and jams it into himself, completing his aforementioned transformation. Then he becomes a Strike Witch and in a particularly bizarre turn of events when he’s wearing rocket legs, has a giant sword, jagged crystals for an arm, and a gun that obliterates matter, reaches inside Segai and cuts his life force with magical void scissors while Segai is having the biggest clowngasm of his life. I can tell he’s dead of course, by the fact that his eye stopped spinning and then the truck exploded.
Oh yeah, and while all this is going on, Gai is sitting in a room made of nothing but stacked hexagons with Inori chained up, waiting for his Void senses to start tingling. Same ol’, same ol’ all around for GC.
Posted in Guilty Crown | 12 Comments »
“Shu has digivolved into a Mary Sue” Thank God! That’s the best news I’ve had this week