Aquarion EVOL #11 — Big Bang Bath
March 18th, 2012
Huh? Did something else happen this week?
Just FYI since it can be confusing with the time change. Evol’s broadcast was just back 30 minutes this week and will be pushed back an hour next week. After that, things should (assumably) be back to normal. Plus time change.
Also, I’m getting to the Kenichi OVA, but I was just flipping through it while I was waiting for Evol to pop and couldn’t help but laugh at this. Oh, Kenichi. It must hurt you to be alive.
Let’s see here… This one starts with Jin trying to deepthroat a hotdog in peace, no doubt thinking about his home of all men, when he’s jumped by a gang of girls and then forced to deepthroat the hotdog while they take pictures of it. Then Andy has all the girls climb through his ‘hole’ so they can have a pajama party where they find Jin’s hidden cache of photos and end up deciding to have an outdoor movie party for the school Mix takes a bath. And what a bath.
*ahem* Back to shenanigans for the most part this week, although a little better focused than the last couple weeks since all the movie stuff was just going on in the background for the most part instead of being the focus of the episode. That’s how you handle things episodically. The Jin/Yunoha stuff doesn’t interest me too much either. It’s not bad by any means, but everything is completely by the numbers and neither of them are particularly important characters. Plus, both of their primary contributions to scenes are hiding in the shadows and blushing. I was hoping they’d do a little more with Yunoha finding Jin’s communicator, but not this week apparently.
I can’t say that I like the direction they’re taking Zessica right now, with her jealousy and insecurity over Amata beginning to get much much darker even while she pulls herself more and more out of the show by standing in the corner and sulking the whole time. Hopefully they’ll find a decent way to put the whole Kagura/Amata/Mikono/Zessica quadrangle together, but I’m steeling myself for some really awful angsting coming up soon. Hopefully it won’t involve her jumping ship to the antagonist side. That’d just be… ugh.
Everybody vs Kagura.
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