Monster Rancher DxD #07 — Cast Heal on Penis
February 16th, 2012
Way to take the high road.
And in this thrilling adventure Issei and Asia learn about familiars, but before they can actually go do anything, they get distracted by a magical tennis match for the Claire Bible. Wait, wrong show. It switches into magical dodgeball anyway, culminating with Asia healing Issei’s stricken penis while waving her ass about 3 inches from the camera. At least she wasn’t kneading her hands in the air. I think they literally just dragged a circle of light bloom around a background with random effects cycling and tried to call it a dodgeball match. And that was the first 13 minutes of the episode.
Then they remembered the whole familiar thing from the first two minutes of the episode and go off to the forest where they meet Crazy Forest Ash, a professional familiar catcher who leads them all to a blob that dissolves clothing. It also makes the piano blare and adds irritating echo effects to everything. But of course, it’s not everybody’s clothing. This isn’t an equal opportunity acidic blob. Only female clothes are affected. It’s probably whatever the material is that they use that makes them skin-tight. And now Asia has a dragon to make sure that every single character can hilariously swat/electrocute/explode him.
Bare chests.
Posted in High School DxD | 6 Comments »
did i sleep through a week and miss an episode?