Aquarion EVOL #07 — Haunted Frogs

February 12th, 2012


If it actually was, now that would have been a twist.


Despite Yunoha only actually being in the episode for about 3 minutes, it was centered around her frog. Andy making up stories about it, Amata and Zess getting scared of it resulting in her clinging to his floating crotch and the usual Mikono misunderstandings, etc. Amata wasn’t bright enough to figure out that her element was invisibility either, at which point he immediately got his usual wing-boner. Puberty’s hitting that kid like a freight train. It wasn’t the most eventful or interesting of episodes unless you count the now-usual bits about Mikono getting into a jealous huff before forgiving them 5 minutes later as interesting. At least it looks like it’ll actually be a Zess episode next week. Maybe they can finally reach a level of mutual rivalry or something.

So I guess this Character of the Week was handled a little better than Shrade’s episode, but even for this show, it was pretty cheap to just throw her in as the deus ex machina for beating the enemy’s new gimmick. The episodic format with new characters/elements it seems to be settling into is fine as long as it stays mainly focused on the core cast, which it did. The problem this week was just that the core cast did little more than rehash the same things they’ve been doing for the last few episodes. At least it did show Zess starting to break down in battle and Mikono realizing it which I assume will be the impetus for whatever their Friendship Event/Girl on Girl on Wingboy combination attack will be next week… hopefully. Still, entirely too much of the start was consumed by Andy complaining about not getting any action and the bit about them believing the frog was haunted went on about 10 minutes longer than it should have. 


Let’s take another swing at a Zessica episode, eh?

Posted in Aquarion | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • jingoi says:

    Mikono is here for the hate (and rule34), Zessica is here for our cheers (and rule34). No Amata allowed, only the faceless mob.

  • mema says:

    zessica is hilarious. as i thought she will bring in the fun

  • Nan says:

    I can’t even start to get that train of logic. The place is damn near slathered with supernatural powered people. A stuffed animal moves around everywhere one of the students would go. And the immediately accepted conclusion is that it’s a totally different, unrelated supernatural occurrence.

  • vane. says:

    I don’t see what’s so good about Zessica. All she’s been so far is the scantily clad fanservice chick who only serves an object for the male viewers to drool over.

  • mema says:

    and what is so different about mikono aside from being a bitch and getting jealous. also being a hypocrite.

  • Wilfriback says:

    Same here, if you accept Zess you gotta have to accept Mikot’s bitchiness.
    It seems the girls is in heat.
    I can use this for OBJECTION.jpg!

  • TEd says:

    I agree Zess so far i like more Mikono has done nothing but cry run and be a bitch and alkso she gets jealous over Zess hitting on Amata. Were as mikono doesnt know her feeling and likes kagura in a way what a hypocrit. i hope mikopno gets taken by kagura and Amata gets Zess be alot better.

  • arknoir says:

    You all forget that Amata is a fire stalker, twisted fire stalker. He was lusting for her just because she talked to him after a movie.

  • sora says:

    Am I the only one feels so dirty after watching this? I understand turning normal words and phrases dirty but I didn’t know you could reverse the process. -.-

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re watching a show about an orgasm-powered mech and gattais. ???????????????????!?“?///?