High School DxD #04 — Ratchu! Go!
January 26th, 2012
I’m disappointed that ugly thing wasn’t stabbed/sacrificed in the process.
Unrelated, but not worthy of a full post, Lion Heart’s put up a teaser page for their next game, some manner of flashy Hinani Tenshi platformer/beat ’em up. Also, there are not words enough for a night of two new (quite good, unlike last week) 30 Rocks and then… this. Well, at least the first 16 or so minutes this week.
Yawn. "I had magic powers since I was young and have never ever ever eeeeeeever had a single friend." Feel free to write the rest of the episode yourself. "I’ll be your friend. The side we’re on doesn’t matter. Etc etc etc" At least they’ve gotten rid of the annoying friends and Issei’s moved on to irritating moralstic speeches for the most part. He’ll still boldly declare his surprise in the middle of a battle and get stabbed for it though. Not to mention punching with his non-magic hand, particularly after they went out of the way in the middle of the episode to explain how it was powered by plot convenience.
Still, the action this episode wasn’t half-bad. Certainly not half-good either, but it’s certainly the best that this show’s ever looked. There was some actual animation and choreography this week, unlike last week’s horrendous affair. Maybe they’ve finally got the budget back in line after blowing it all on the ED for the first three episodes. Or maybe it was just the multiple montages in the first half which gave them some extra cash to throw around. It was a step in the right direction at least though. If it can keep up what it did in the last five minutes of this episode, it may turn out to be a… well… I’d hate to say respectable, but a more or less average show for its kind.
The fight continues.
Posted in High School DxD | 6 Comments »
Okay, I’ve asked this before, but whit no reply, and I’d like a reply to this question: Why are the screencaps 512×288? That’s too small to do anything with.