I’m not sure if I was even blogging when Chinchilla Soft first announced Clannad RPGRomannad (good god, why?), and after close to half a decade, it will finally be released. What’s with the surge of Romancing SaGa clones in the doujin world lately anyway? First Genius of Sappheiros, now this. It does look rather nice though, and voice acting, weird as the different voices sound, is impressive for a retro-SNESy doujin RPG. Although keep in mind that this is the same doujin group that thought that a Spelunker clone with Clannad characters and Strip Fighter: Kanon were good ideas. Now where’s Freudenstachel, damn it?
How sad is it that a giant octopus tentacling people is a step in the direction of better taste? I had to actually search around for lasers this week too. What is the world coming to? Although I am impressed that this octopus was smart enough to use a hostage. …And that this girl is somehow able to swim around at ease with an anchor tied to her leg. Those floatation devices strapped to her chest must be buoyant as hell to cancel that weight out.
Well, at least the show’s still good enough for reminding me what a decently animated fight should look like. The other 15 minutes could not be more tedious, and there’s still no weight to any of these fights since they have zero setup and are never mentioned again so the show is still unbearable otherwise though. If Blood-C actually bothered to make these the centerpiece of the show and gave Saya an antagonist instead of fighting random pages ripped out of the Monster Manual, the show would actually be something instead of 3-5 minutes of vapid action and 15-18 minutes of vapid… nothing.