ToraBuni #04 — Fear The Pig
April 23rd, 2011
This is what passes for villainry in this show. Kite-Man would weep.
Still no antagonist in sight, unless you count this series of terrorist bombings. I can’t wait for them to reveal that all the low-scale antagonists are being spat out by the TV station in order to generate ratings and/or keep the cash flow going. Actually, that’s the only even vaguely logical explaination I have for a guy wearing a pig mask trying to steal an armored truck in a city of super heroes where EVERYTHING is apparently under constant surveillance. Then again, he did almost kill one of them with a run-of-the-mill SMG, so we have to default back to our base value of "this setting is very poorly thought out and not particularly well written."
Anyway, the protagonists didn’t really have much of a role this weekly except to spit out some pithy "heroes put their lives on the line and save people!" lines in Rose/Karina’s general direction. And she doesn’t want to be a hero for a little while because it’s dangerous… and playing piano in the nicest bar ever built for surly low-class drunks is a much better job. Then she gets pissy when they start disrespectin’ heroes and it’s back into action the status quo and I fully expect that… like with the previous three episodes… she will now have no further meaningful point in the show except to be in the inevitable final montage of heroes congratulating Kotetsu on… whatever he ends up saving the city from. I did find two things quite amusing though. A.) Kotetsu’s drink in the bar didn’t have ice cubes in it; it had one giant ice boulder that was taking up 98% of the cup. That’s the worst whisky on the rocks ever. B.) After a montage of the other heroes racing around inside the refinery-thing looking for the one guy ‘inside’ it, they cut to Bison who has found the guy… outside.
A forbidden love blooms. And forbidden jazzercise as well.
Posted in Tiger & Bunny | 2 Comments »
Oh god I have to remember that if I ever get a job as a bartender. Cutting costs while making your drinks look nouveau. Genius.