Big Bang Beat 2 Trial v0.5 Released — Now With More Wolf

April 25th, 2011


Not that I have any investment in the general Daibanchou scene or anything… but this latest trial adds Kunagi as well as some other slight tweaks like vocals for everybody but Erika, and character intros for Rouga and Senna. Well, and a host of other minor changes too, like Senna’s 214AA being basically the same as her throw now instead of a slide-cancel. At least it’s progressing a little faster lately. It was only a month ago that they released Senna. That’s a small blessing. Of course, Senna still has her corny 623 infinite, and Kunagi has an only slightly more complex one despite how different she plays now. Hopefully they’ll figure that stuff out once they actually get everybody ported into their new engine.

Posted in Big Bang Beat | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Forte says:

    big bang butts 2

  • Dude says:

    Looks like Suwako.