Ah! My Goddess OVA #1,000,000 — Cracker-based Metaphors

February 24th, 2011


I’m pretty sure that’s the number that we’re on.

Aaaah, DVD weeks. When a billion things randomly show up at random days of the week. How fun!


These AMG OVAs are kind of like the Lupin specials. They’re going to happen, and they’re going to keep happening despite anybody’s best efforts to make them stop. The OVAs usually tend to be more palatable than the overall series because they just hit the high points of something happening, which usually involves some other goddess or devil trying to eat somebody else instead of being forced to listen to Keiichi hem and haw for 18 minutes. Vanilla wafers are more dynamic than him. You can pretend for at least a brief time that the series is actually going somewhere. Unfortunately, this would be an exception, and with them having already announced a second OVA for the year, I’d have expected… I don’t know… something. This would barely qualify as a filler episode in the regular series, something made of nothing but decades worth of filler.

The ‘plot’ here is that Belldandy’s bursting with ‘contentment’ energy which apparently makes her/humans just want to laze around happily. In Keiichi’s case, using THE POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY to make him do nothing is a bit like sandblasting a saltine. They also toss in mini-Hild to… not really do much of anything. At least she was… annoying to listen to? Then Keiichi hallucinates the puppet version of himself (which unsurprisingly has more of a personality than him despite being made of wood), realizes that Belldandy wants TO LIVE, yells that he loves Belldandy and the status quo is restored. Just do her already, damn it.


Posted in Ah! My Goddess | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:

    Just do her already, damn it.


  • Travis says:

    This is a problem a lot of screenwriters – hell, some writers in general – have, where breaking the romantic status quo automatically means that the characters will lose their appeal or something – having the characters become a battle couple, or a mystery solving gang, or learn more about each other and grow closer/apart is never an option, apparently.


  • DmonHiro says:

    “Just do her already, damn it.” FFS it’s OK if you don’t do her….. just do SOMETHING/SOMEONE!!!! it’s been decades

  • AfroSquirrel says:

    Where’d my Celtic-style OP music go? D:

  • Jack says:

    Kerberos > Skuld

  • Anonymous says:

    >Just do her already, damn it.

    This single line speaks so much about this series.

  • Kusano says:

    Just checked wiki and it was first published in…..1988-wat? I wasn’t even born yet. It’s been 23 years and he still hasn’t banged her yet?

    “Just do her already, damn it.”

  • marvelous stan says:

    I’m going to jump on the bandwagon here and say yeah, you just said everything that needs to be said about AMG.

  • momotoharu says:

    Keiichi you take Belldandy somewhere nice while I take Skuld to the greatest spot in the world….my luxury hot tub surrounded by wine and morning after pills.