Is This a Zombie? #02 — Vampire Ninja Leaf Mage
January 17th, 2011
We’re just throwing adjectives together at this point.
Quite a different focus from last week. There was also a rather lot of recycled footage through the episode, and for it being the second episode, that’s a little worrysome. Thankfully, they did do a much better job with Sera vs Ayumu’s fight this week than they did with the crawfish last week. It still wasn’t all that good, but it at least had some movement and attempts at choreography. At least he’s starting to think like a zombie, using his body as a… uh… meat shield and tossing arms around as needed. The music was a little bizarre this week too, especially for Ayumu’s murder and associated scenes. That scene struck me as completely unneeded and drawn out anyway. Especially since it’s about the third bloody time we’ve seen it already with I’m sure more to come once they get around to actually doing something about whoever killed him.
The first half of the episode was focused on Sera’s introduction, a vampire/ninja, which apparently means that she uses leaves to make weapons, and general hanger-on for Eu, who is displeased with Ayumu and then insinuates herself and her impossible clothing into the household. I am starting to get a little worried about Ayumu’s sister complex at this point though. Sera is not exactly the type. The second half was almost all flashback to Ayumu befriending Eu before his murder and then a short bit of her and Haruna having a little spat over Haruna throwing a temper tantrum and telling Ayumu to die. That did mean that the humor really trailed off towards the end into almost nothing.
It was still a decent episode, just quite different from last week’s with none of the really bizarre humor that made it stand out. This was just trading on an IV of cute. They did a decent job of it, but it was a little bit jarring compared to what I was expecting.
Posted in Is This a Zombie? | 9 Comments »
that dyson fan is disturbing