Samurai Girls #10 — Power of Love
December 5th, 2010
No! Bad ARMS! No Huey Lewis!
The pacing for this show’s gone from putzing around for weeks on end to now careening off the rails in strange directions. For one, there’s Yuki and Sen’s sudden acid trip astral projection powers out of nowhere to save Muneakira from the nightmarish dream of an orgy with all the secondary characters. Then Nia up and betrays Yoshihiko due to a power of love and believe in your man and etc etc speech from Yuki and Sen about the hearts of samurai and other rot. I think she had a total of six lines before betraying him. Unfortunately, the love warrior Naoe couldn’t be there for it because her hammer was too big to fit in the elevator. You probably think that I’m joking here. And of course, at the end of it, Sen and Yuki are rewarded for their love confessions by snapping Muneakira out of Gisen’s control so he can immediately kiss Jubei.
So… yeah. Pacing this week was not the best that I’ve ever seen. I was particularly annoyed when it just cut over them escaping. The team was just… suddenly free and roaming around again. Nia was also handled very poorly. There are still two episodes to go too. I’m not really sure what’s left unless Yoshihiko’s suddenly going to turn into some kind of master master samurai… or he has some more displacer beasts hidden up his sleeve. I do appreciate his good judgement in stripping Jubei but not Muneakira. Maybe there really is something to my theory about him liking to decorate his office with naked girls in tubes.
Posted in Samurai Girls | 8 Comments »
“…beasts hidden up his sleeve.”
Read that as breasts, how fitting