My Little Sister Can’t Be This Transparent #11 — Obligatory Money Shot
December 12th, 2010
It’s like we’re really watching bad porn.
And here it is. The obligatory episode where Kirino blushes, stammers, and thanks Kyousuke for everything that she’s put him through. Designed to make everybody who doesn’t actually have a sister squeal with delight and clap their hands like mentally deficient harp seals while I die a little more inside. Nothing helps a scene like having the director practically sitting right there with his little puppet strings. Who needs consistency or sense when you can just wedge in some transparent attempts at the ‘money shot’ that was obvious from episode one, leaving a mess over most characters involved. And this had all the same level of writing, music, and direction as bad porn too. Actually, scratch that. I’m pretty sure porn soundtracks are generally more pleasant to listen to. They tend towards soothing percussion instead of blaring trumpets. Mmmmmmmm… light jazz.
It’s a good thing that they didn’t show Kirino being a completely spoiled and insufferable brat for half the episode too. That could have completely ruined it. She didn’t even live up to the level of Tarou’s family. Don’t leave porn of glasses girls all over your brother’s room when he brings a girl in glasses home, and especially if you’re going to accuse them of wanting to have sex. That’s just being a facilitator. I would say that Kuroneko trying to get a rise out of Kirino was the best part of the episode, but I actually laughed when Kyousuke was so touched by Kirino’s confession that he started bawling. Now that’s in character for him… because the biggest vagina in that room was the only one not in a skirt.
Posted in Little Sister | 20 Comments »
I actually liked this ep ._.