The World God Only Knows #07 — Padding
November 17th, 2010
At least it was a short episode!
Sorry about the downtime. Apparently the server I’m on had some kind of file system meltdown.
I guess I can keep this brief because this episode was only about 12 minutes long. First they, rehashed things from the last episode for about five minutes. Then the episode basically ended about 16 minutes in and they had a two song concert to fill up the remaining seven minutes of the episode. And because writing and animating is expensive, they recycled clips constantly through it in order to be Earth friendly. Stellar. It’s not like the middle part was fine art either. This whole episode could have been done in approximately 3 minutes.
So a crappy end to a mediocre at best arc. No comedy, the drama was puerile, and out of three episodes, they filled nearly 15 minutes of it with montages of her singing. Kanon vanishes because it creates drama and everything is made better because Keima had the Herculean job of pointing out the legions of fans chanting her name. That’s all it boiled down to. "Suddenly I doubt myself!" "Don’t be sad." "Oh, now I’m better." At least in the other two arcs, Keima had to do something besides show up. And now I look forward to her dropping off the face of the show’s plot for the remainder of this season, completely forgotten.
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Bernkastel is pulling the strings of this anime. I just know it.