The World God Only Knows #04 — Endless Eight Million

October 27th, 2010


Keima, stop being an imbecile.


A fairly awful episode, which I have been informed was only marginally better in the original because it took about 3 minutes to read instead of 22 minutes to watch. And that it’s a one-shot deal and will never be heard of nor seen again. Keima’s picked up a glitchy game with an apparently unwinnable girl because of bad programming, glitches, errors, an inability to save, etc, but he’s determine to win her by trying every single possible sequence of inputs. What this amounts to for the viewing audience is a plethora of recycled sequences for every loop Keima goes through, the game’s awful 2 bar musical sequence repeated for almost the entire episode.

So, yeah… The less said about this one, the better. A couple of the glitches were kind of funny, especially when they first started getting weird instead of just looping all the time, but then it killed it by repeating the same scene about four times in a row followed by a frankly almost insultingly bad insert song montage. The only thing more irritating than that was the block-headed teacher’s shirt. And then, as a final coup de grace to just rub it in our faces, a ‘special’ one frame ED. Thanks, Manglobe. Thanks.

Posted in The World God... | 14 Comments »

14 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kaisos says:

    Why? Why drag this out into an ENTIRE EPISODE?

  • RaiKitsune says:

    Anime is made to torment you. It can never ever be finished or have a satisfying conclusion. Pointless filler must be included at the cost of all great material. This is why.

  • Ransom says:

    Having the posibility of animating more interesting things, they decided to animate this… Extending it an entire episode… Well… The fact that they managed to do that is laudable… But not the way they did it :(

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey, that chapter where he engages in all out Gundam warfare against himself to decide what’s a galge and what’s not is great and would be awesome animated.

  • Lollerman says:

    And here I thought we had reached the height of trolldom when Kyo Ani did 8 episodes of endless eight.

    Guess I was wrong. Incidentally, are there any other 1 shot chapters that Manglobe might feel driven to do? There’s one where he goes shopping, and another one where his site revolutionizes the world…

    Great, plenty more to look forward too!

  • Anonymous says:

    Still better then the idol arc.

  • Anonymous says:

    Now allow to continue him SHOUTING AT RANDOM!

  • Nanaya says:

    I remember first reading this chapter, and when I got to that part I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. It’s every completionist’s nightmare, so of course you run into something like that every other game (quick example: kagetsu tohya).

    • tabs05 says:

      I was about to mention that.Fluttering hair/clothes,smiling face and the finish sign.It’s 3, not 1 frame.Please correct your info.LOL.But I do agree that it’s a waste to animate single chapter stories unless it’s interesting and well animated but I guess you have to cut corners at some points for budget.

  • SlashZero says:

    Hey now, that ED was a full three frames!

  • Meyers07 says:

    It’s the 53rd unreleased visual novel that pulled straight from Action 52’s cesspit of unfinished games!

  • JShepard says:

    [humming Cheetamen theme]

    Yes it is Action 52!