My Friend Can’t Be This Stupid #05 — Magical Soda
October 31st, 2010
So, AIC. What’s with you and EDs lately?
Oh boy. This is what the show really does well. Melodrama. And Kirino stopping lying and saying that it’s her true self set to the OP as an insert song? Wow! That’s really creative and different. They’re pulling out all the directoral stops this week. Oh wait, look at that. A magical glass of soda that conveniently teleports around the table so they can show talking heads in a glass. What does this show not have? And it’s certainly not looking cheaper than ever with long drifting stills of backgrounds, the sky, some random guy jogging. You know what would just complete this ensemble marvelously? A couple minutes of watching Kyousuke talk on the phone from the back of his head. Ah, they did that too? Magnifique. Another visual tour de force.
So yet one more stellar episode of this show where Ayase gets whiny about Kirino and Kyousuke being perverts and her "not being herself" in a slightly less intelligent display of correlation than the Chewbacca defense. Kyousuke, having skipped last week’s after school special, realizes that the best way to dig yourself out of a hole for lying is to lie some more and then scream at people. And of course, since this show is written by simpering chimps at a battery of broken typewriters, that works. Kirino yells out that all of it is her true self, and everybody is happy with the backstabbing little prostitute once again. Le sigh. This episode didn’t even try to be amusing on any front, and the drama is so badly and stupidly machinated that it boggles the mind. Setting it to bad JPop just makes this worse in every way.
Posted in Little Sister | 30 Comments »
I really feel bad for this guy. He just gets shit on time after time.