The Demon King at the Poolside #01 — The Whimsy of Snails

June 27th, 2010


Too many DVD specials and OVAs this week!


With the first DVD for Demon King comes a pool race showdown between Fujiko and Junko which immediately dissolves into wrestling in a tub of clothing dissolving slime. What do you want from me? It was two and a half minutes long. It was very silly, mostly thanks to the over the top sound effects and all of Sai’s increasingly bizarre facial expressions. Can’t blame Fujiko for going into a murderous rage once Junko stuck her foot up Fujiko’s crotch either. Ow. I can’t wait for the Korone one, although Eiko next DVD shouldn’t be bad either.


Ninja on ninja on Sai’s face.

Posted in Demon King | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Hentai_Jp says:

    Man I can’t get enough of this show and now the specials… they’ll be EAGERLY awaited. Best show of spring season for sure.

  • nothikago says:

    Best special ever. For all the right reasons, even.
    Junko <3

  • Yue says:

    Blue~haired girl WINS!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    Can anyone PLEASE tell me where you guys get to stream this stuff first? Much appreciated.

  • sage says:

    Best show of this ending season. Period.

  • Eirias says:

    Aroduc, drop the anatomy studying. We need to start work on a non-toxic clothing dissolving slime immediately.

    • Aroduc says:

      It won’t do you any good unless you have busty S&M mages and ninjas to go with it.