11Eyes #13 — “Kakeru, What’s a Dildo?”

June 30th, 2010


If this is how I remember 11Eyes, I’m perfectly okay with that.


The nightcap to the series is a bonus DVD episode featuring the cast sucked into the red pink world once more, where everything’s… not quite right. Kakeru’s eye now sees through clothes, Yukiko’s Hunter-Killer mode is now Hunter-Lesbian mode (like she wasn’t bisexual enough already), and Misuzu now summons dildos. While most of it was rather fun, Takehisa and Kukuri had the best moments by far. Takehisa using his new water power to pretend like he was peeing was easily the weakest of his jokes, and Kukuri’s X-rated drawings (TOO HOT FOR TV) occasionally boggled the mind. Her animal sound censored explanation of the dildo was also quite amusing.

I did think that the second half faltered a bit. They could have done a lot more with the Black Knights Pervert Five, and Lisette’s part was pretty short and lame. The last bosses of the Pink World should have been those two idiot side characters that are always hanging around Shiori (I have no idea what their names are anymore), but I can’t really fault the show for pretending like they didn’t exist. Yukiko’s Hunter-Lesbian mode should have also had far longer… and/or there should have been a continuation of Yuka’s Crazypants’ bisexual awakening. In any case, it was an amusing tagline to the series and easily far more entertaining than… well… the previous 12 episodes.

Okay, only one OVA left from last week that I know of… that is far outside my normal interests anyway… and the summer season begins for real in… uh… 5 hours. Great.

Posted in 11Eyes | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Nanaya says:

    It’s funny how things happen like this… Absolutely nothing to do for weeks, then suddenly everything and it’s OVA is jumping at you all at once. I had a similar experience with scanlations — you’re handling this way more gracefully than I did >_>

  • Solaris says:

    Pretty Lame and shameful off topic advertisement:
    Well, i shouldnt remind you Tenka Seiha is engaged in combat vs another blog on Aniblog Tourney site since Aroduc didn’t promote it, but oops my lips slipped and i said it. So, you, mr anon, visitor who are reading this, go and cast your vote.
    Aroduc feel free to get rid of this shameful promotion if you’re not pleased. Love & Peace

    On a side note, i didn’t expect such an OAV from such an anime, but yeah, i said what i wanted so who cares? XD

  • Hyosuke says:

    LOL! This is supposed to be the 11eyes OVA I was waiting for? I don’t know whether to be happy or not…

  • ShuffleAir says:

    This episode looks better than the regular series already.

    So you won’t blog about Kyō, Koi wo Hajimemasu? Aw. No sparkly shoujo love on Tenka Seiha this week. D:

    • Aroduc says:

      I might if I could track it down. Not that I think I’d have much to say about it, but… *shrug* It’s a moot point at the moment.