Overrun by Stray Cats! #06 — Shot On Location

May 11th, 2010


Damn it, Fumino. Shut up already.


Not one of the better episodes of this show, and I’m going to put a lot of the blame for that on Fumino. Okay, granted, any episode where Ieyasu is the central character is doomed to begin with, but having Fumino aggressively and badly hum the already irritating OP to this show for the entire episode is like using your eardrum to try to sharpen a pen. Plus, Nozomi only meowed once. How are they supposed to be the leading exporter of "nyaa" with just that? Pathetic, I tell you.

In any case, Chise got it into her mind to make a promotional video to take Stray Cats worldwide waaaaaahld wide and for some reason, Ieyasu was in charge and immediately went into prima-donna mode. This can only end two ways, an artistic purely aesthetic video (See: Hekioh’s promo), or a bunch of T&A. They went with the latter, plus a little bit of war film spliced in. Takumi got sick, all the girls blew their chance to huddle with him for sexual healing, and then Otome saved him with her own harem of yetis. I bet the yetis wouldn’t have spent 20 minutes humming the damn OP at me. Stupid sexy yeti harem.


Posted in Overrun | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Fate says:

    I haven’t seen it yet but your description makes it sound like potentially the best episode yet not a boring one. Yetis harem. That is a new one.

    • Aroduc says:

      That’s because I’m a wizard. I wish the yetis and all the other supernatural things were more than just brief throwaway gags though. It would have certainly been better than Fumino’s humming.

  • rufe says:

    1) who is supposed to be singing the male voices?

    Anyway, I thought that the PV itself was pretty funny (w/ better music than the OP too…), but the rest of the episode was…

    Thanks for reminding us about the Hekioh pv. That was great