B Cup Sex Maniac #09 — Penis Envy
May 27th, 2010
Nice… camera.
Better than last week, but the overwhelming angst and ten minutes leading up to the horrible shocking realization that Yamada likes Kosuda was still tiresome. When the second half began with Kyouka’s brother, I was also filled with an overwhelming sense of dread, but thankfully, we weren’t subjected to her laugh this time around. Essentially, the status quo was more or less restore by the end of the episode. Yamada "Doesn’t hate" Kosuda and is willing to let him "do whatever he wants" so… yeah. Back to the usual relationship between Yamada and Kosuda, and now every other member of the cast knows that Kosuda’s after Yamada’s ponytail and parts beyond. We also have Keichi running around as something of a rival to Kosuda, even though Yamada hates him.
Chisato managed to have the best moments again this week. Not that Kosuda’s confession in front of the whole class wasn’t amusing, but she has her own Chisato EYE superpower (that doesn’t work), and she got Optic Blasted off of Keichi’s back. Never let it be said that I’m not a fan of giving eye beams to any and all characters, no matter the genre. The more, the better. For a Kyouka-centric second half though, it was fairly amusing. I’m not sold on Keichi at all yet though. Hopefully he’ll just do his rival thing on the date next week and then disappear back off to America again, taking his viagra enhanced camera with him.
Date problems.
Posted in B Cup Sex Maniac | 3 Comments »
I just thought of a way to end this that would be the funny as hell – if after putting us through all this crap, she finally gets the nerve to just have the damn sex, and in the last 30 second drama of the show someone else beat her to the… err… thrust?
She runs up to the room in slow motion stream-of-thought monologue epiphany, OP insert blaring, only to find him in bed with whats-her-face-other-girl. Cue ‘EEEEH’ reaction shot from her, cut to black, roll credits. I may just be half asleep at the moment, but that sounds awesome, hilarious, or both.