The Demon King in the Back Row #05 — Harem +3

April 30th, 2010


Dragon, crazy incestuous girl, and Ms. Stretchy.


Great episode all around. Teruya continues to be a very fun character and deserves a spot in the main harem, Sai got to go into badass mode a couple times, we discovered Fujiko’s brother’s torrid homosexual love affair, Fujiko ran off to accidentally unseal a dragon, which Sai then punched into submission. Lily also finally showed some of her skills, which apparently include being really really flexible. It was a little bit silly that they tried to play the whole thing off as just one big test for all of five seconds, but at least it was a roundabout way of showing off the student council’s abilities and… giving Sai a dragon. I really am quite happy that so many characters in this show now have schemes within schemes after the beginning episode’s showcase of abject stupidity. Sai hasn’t improved all that much, but at least he can hit things and grin like a badass. That gets you further than you might think.

I do, however, really wish that they hadn’t used the OP as the insert song, they had picked a different effect for the flashbacks other than hyperspace, and the big dramatic fight consisted of something more than glaring and then a couple explosive punches, but at least they’re making due with what what little budget they have. I will also note that the show managed to continue the theme of the last few days of having highly radioactive genitals. What the hell do they put in the water in Japan these days? Forget Al Qaeda, we need to worry about the crotches of Japanese school girls causing some kind of horrible nuclear disaster on our shores.

Posted in Demon King | 22 Comments »

22 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Serpit says:

    Just wondering, did you already drop Tatami Galaxy?

    • Aroduc says:

      A’yup. Other things on Thursday I’d much rather watch. Armored tigers and future cougars.

  • Anise Punter says:

    I was just thinking it had been awhile since I watched a naked swordfight.

    Also, punching out a dragon is pretty damn manly.

  • random says:

    “It was a little bit silly that the whole thing was just one big tes”

    It wasn’t etst. The student council just tried to make them think it was so they woudln’t continue.

    • Aroduc says:

      Yeah, yeah. Lost a word somewhere since I was rushing it out to watch AB with Kuro. Danke schon.

  • Lollerman says:

    I really wish this show had a better budget. They could do so much more with plot development and the fight sequences if they did.

  • Andy says:

    Ya if they make this into a 24 episode series it would be amazing
    12 episode isnt enough of this show

    • Anon999 says:

      Yes, well, you can’t have everything I suppose. After all, Japan’s in a recession right now. >_> They’re not in a position to increase their budgets on anime.

  • Lollerman says:

    I don’t think it has to do with the budget, but the studio. JC Staff got 24 episodes out of the same number of volumes that Ichiban is burning through in 12. It’s a pity, because there are only 9 volumes completed, and it looks like they will go through at least 6.

  • Aex says:

    Awesome! That’s all I can say. Naked sword-fights and slugging it out with a dragon… this is awesome! Teryu leaving kinda sucked, but Hattori’s gone into “dere” mode so she’s an even trade now. Fujiko all over Sai and wanting to be his dark magician also sounds VERY promising! Still not sure about the Student Council, but at least the President is kinda cute. Best episode yet!

    Oh, and Keena is five times cuter with her hair down.

  • chad001 says:

    Keena with hair down… OH GOD….

    nuff said

    And yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the main antagonist… she just knows too much… like how to push Fujiko’s buttons… or about her brother’s past…

    And for the record, the Student Prez REALLY is “skilled”, after all, her prizes are the “best”…

  • Fate says:

    This episode reminded me of why I like anime.

    • m says:

      Hmm… while it was interesting I had a lot of trouble following that last half of the ep. It did jump around a bit too much…

  • Vegetarian4Life says:

    I Love Soga Keena!!

    • Yue says:

      I love the Red~haired Girl! [This works too. XD]

      • Vegetarian4Life says:

        Yeah!! I also love sleeping picture so that was the best scene ever! Soga Keena was already my favorite anime girl this year. lol

    • Yue says:

      Wohohohohoho!! I’m SO JEALOUS!!!
      [why am I not born destined to be a Demon Lord too >_<]

  • Yue says:

    Come to think of it, I’m having trouble figuring out Akuto’s stat point allocation. ^_~

    I mean Layfon’s build is easy to figure out but this guy is cheating/breaking the formula. Incredibly high str, agi, int, dex, and luk [in women] makes Akuto much of a broken unit.

    Acchan even has common sense and practical comprehension against Fonfon’s lack of the aforementioned qualities besides being a charming airhead. Darn! Am I thinking too much again?

    • Aex says:

      Short answer, Akuto > Layfon in all ways. Then again, Layfon wasn’t a super-being “destined” to destroy the world, right?

  • I’ve come to the conclusion that Keena is the real leader of the white team. She’s playing the ditz, so as to hide in plain sight.

    Hiroshi is the leader of the black team. He is the tall blonde guy who killed Fujiko’s brother, now looking younger and smaller through magical illusion or transformation. Like Keena, he’s hiding in plain sight. The real contest is between Keena and Hiroshi.

    Isn’t it interesting that Keena isn’t the slightest bit jealous about the other girls? Indeed, she seems to be trying to push both Junko and Fujiko onto Sai. And despite being a ditz, she seems to be amazingly effective at manipulating events and people around Sai?

    The white team and the black team both want Sai to develop his power and to learn to control it, but each team wants to recruit Sai, in preparation for a final battle of some kind. Him being potentially as strong as he is, pretty much whoever gets him probably wins.

    So the real contest is for Sai’s soul. He begins good. Can the black team corrupt him and turn him evil? Will the dark side of him (which we saw when he fought the punks) come out and take control? That’s the real story, and Keena is doing an amazing job of keeping him good.

    Anyway, that’s my idea about the series. I wish I could find someone who had read the books to see if I’m even remotely close to correct.