Ladies vs Butlers! #09 — Hot Steaming Frosted Buns
March 2nd, 2010
I question if that movie was actually suitable for minors.
After the rather nice Drill episode last week, this was a pretty big letdown. Tomomi didn’t really do anything except drag Hino around while still mostly threatening him and calling him a woman. If anything, I’m even less sympathetic to her now, and I had absolutely no sympathy for her in the first place. She’s good for some laughs, but the whole "I torture him incessantly and push him at other women because I love him" thing doesn’t work for me in the slightest. Maybe if she didn’t start threatening and growling him at the slightest moment of displeasure, I’d be more comfortable with calling Hino thick, but when she ends her perfect little date with "Hey, remember that time I convinced you to call yourself a bride and traumatized you in front of all your friends," she gets nothing from me.
The rest was about as formulaic as it comes as well. Drillbrain runs into every single other member of the cast while stalking the pair. The only particularly surprising things about this episode were Selnia’s mad DDR skillzz, and Tomomi’s apparent breast implants over the summer. Recall the last time that they decided to give us a full frontal view of her, they were tiny and practically sitting on her stomach. Well, it’s an improvement over those scary scary misshapen beasts from another dimension, so at least they got it sort of less creepy the second time around.
Love is war.
Posted in Ladies vs Butlers | 10 Comments »
So what is the NPS(nipples per second on this epsiode ? XD