A Certain Crazy Crazy Daughter #23 — What a Twist!
March 12th, 2010
This episode… oh, man… this episode…
Oh lord. This episode was so corny from every single imaginable angle that by the end of it, I was choking down the tears of laughter. So, on at least that front, this was probably my favorite episode of Railgun to date. Sure, it merely started slow, stupid, and vaguely incomprehensible with Kiyama still out and about and big ol’ tearfest from Uiharu. I would think that causing city threatening earthquakes would be a bail violation, but apparently not. I mean, it’s not like she’s dangerously obsessed and willing to endanger hundreds of lives for her goal or anything.
And then we got the big reveal that Telestina is the daughter of SUPER EVIL SCIENTIST that started all this Child Error stuff. That made me laugh. Of course she’s his daughter. Evil runs in families after all. Then Kuroko slapped Uiharu for being a whiny little expletive deleted. That was fantastic. She should have done it again. Then Telestina apparently succumbed to Hinamizawa Syndrome and went insane in the parking lot of what is essentially a combination fire station, research lab, and hospital and nobody noticed at all. From there, we got the corniest "YOU GOTTA TRUST IN YOUR FRIENDS!" speech imaginable, followed by "You’re not going to save the city until you have a proper meal!" plus Saten equipping herself with a bat to go fight exo-suits. A bat. Saten. With a bat. That was the perfect nightcap to how completely inane this episode was.
What a preview!!
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Beatrice invading Railgun lol.