A Certain Scientific Railgun #10 — Networking

December 4th, 2009


What a unique experiment!


I’d have a lot more sympathy for Saten… or any sympathy at all… if she wasn’t such a little bitch. "I wish I was stronger… I know, I’ll take a dangerous illegal experimental drug. Wait, no… that’s no good. I’ll have my friends take it with me! That’s much better!" I hope she never wakes up from that coma. Outside of that, a very very very exposition and angst heavy episode. The whole human network thing might have been a bit more interesting if this wasn’t a spinoff of Index, who already has the Misaka Network… and if Mikoto’s side of that wasn’t going to be a major arc as well. That begs the question as to whether or not this show will have any major arcs that aren’t about human networks. Probably not.

So blah blah blah, level upper actually connects brains to form a big super computer, which has a side effect of letting people with similar powers ‘share’ their experience, and it was made by Kiyama. I’m not entirely sure how exactly that gives Saten a power, since she has nothing to contribute or reinforce in the first place, and the level 0s were supposed to be mages, hence the total absence of psychic abilities if we go back to Index’s conventions. You can now safely skip about 90% of the episode. The remaining 10% involves a criminal catching montage and some Kuroko fanservice.


Action? Yeah, right. She still needs to explain her master plan.

Posted in Railgun | 15 Comments »

15 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Lero says:

    “That begs the question as to whether or not this show will have any major arcs that aren’t about human networks. Probably not.”

    Maybe not since the author made this spin-off to keep away the fans of Mikoto from the main series(Index), I read in some blogs: a)the author doesn’t have a taste for tsunderes and b)Dengeki has a lot of tsundere so keeping away that archetypal tries to be different. Kuroko had his own protagonism in the vol.8 and Mikoto figures only as a side character with random pointless actions(vol.9, 10 and 12).

    Is she retarded?

    copy & paste

    • orange says:

      >I read in some blogs: a)the author doesn’t have a taste for tsunderes

      That’s laughable, the author keeps introducling more and more tsundere characters like Silvia.

      Stop believing everything you read on the internet.

  • Anonymous says:

    >and the level 0s were supposed to be mages

    Level zeros are potential espers, it’s just that their powers haven’t surfaced yet (or never will if they didn’t had potential like Saten), or said power can’t be identified (Touma, Tsuchimikado). But once they undergo the Curriculum Program they become power users, and will die if they use magic repeatedly. Saten did went with the program, since she goes to classes with Uiharu.

    >since she has nothing to contribute or reinforce in the first place

    No idea about that.

    • Silver says:

      Actually, he was right in saying that level 0s are supposed to be mages. Your idea of a level 0 is that they can develop their supposed unknown powers when they undergo the curriculum, but I have yet to see an example of that outside of Tsuchimikado, who’s unique in all of this as he’s a mage-esper hybrid due to the nature of his powers, and thus makes him impervious to the dangers of dual wielding said powers. You can check the first series for this. If you don’t feel like going through all that exposition again, I think it’s in Wiki, but I’m too lazy to check myself.

      I just noticed that error too. Dang, Aro’s good. O_o

      Pardon me for my use of a shorter name. Never posted here(as far as I can remember) and was too used to using that from just reading.

      • longhaul says:

        no, level 0’s have undergone the curriculum and not manefested any powers ( or their powers are passive like a certain spikey blond imouto lover )

      • Aroduc says:

        Well, I wasn’t trying to be all -that- specific. And level 0 is clearly just a kind of nonsensical classification anyway since Touma’s obviously got a pretty easily identifiable and triggerable power. Suddenly giving Saten an active and controllable power like that implies that -anybody- who uses level upper would gain a power, which doesn’t make too much sense given that the mages and espers were supposed to be mutually exclusive, aside from Tsuchi.

  • Twi says:

    Her master plan isn’t all that evil….

    At least compared to the other scientist of the series

  • Celestial says:

    is it to undress in front of all the level uppers

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s the reason they blacked out. Its like watching a stripping only that everyone in the brain network experiences feedback and resends the data back to everyone else.

      If anything its like a DDoS attack because of the stripping.

  • It looks like this is going to be a 12-ep series, and the “Level Upper” arc will be the last.

    The manga continues from there into the Sisters story arc but I think we won’t see that in the anime.

    • Aroduc says:

      It’s already confirmed for 24 episodes.

    • Shinji103 says:

      Lol, everybody has been saying that Railgun is going to be only 12 episodes since forever, even though a) the only time JC Staff ever did a 12-episode series was Slayers Revolution, and that was just a season-split and they continued in Slayers R, and b) it’s been pretty much confirmed that Railgun /is/ going to be 24 episodes. I guess you can’t stop the false assumptions from going around. ^^;

      There was somebody who thought that Index was only 12 episodes, too. And note that this comment was made just /a week or so ago/. ^^;

  • Nanaya says:

    Am I the only one praying that there won’t be any OP insert music in any of the next episodes? I can barely think of any times that those actually made a scene any better (if not outright making it worse).

    At the current moment, Tengen Toppa is the only series I can think of where it may have worked for the scene (and even then I may be mixing up the tracks).

    • Rawr says:

      Depends on the series, really. As for me, I thought Shana’s Op Joint worked pretty well on finale of Sabrac’s arc. That might just be me though. And TTGL had op insert as final boss fight, I think.