When the Seagulls Cry #16 — Love Love Attack

October 14th, 2009


And now I fear Werk making a Naku Koro Ni Wars.


Mostly a very fun episode. Of course, Deen’s action leaves quite a bit to be desired, but they did do a good job getting across the point that Kyrie and Rudolf are not to be screwed with, and while it’s not really clear what happened to Belphegor, Rudolf managed to put a bullet through Bel, so he’s already a step above the servants. Kyrie also dropped some exposition on Battler’s past that may or may not end up being important eventually. The Siesta’s Love Love Attack was all sorts of silly, and while I question the need for yet more magical girls designed off of inanimate objects in the story, it probably doesn’t hurt either.

The last third of the episode was a bit of a decline. I did really like Battler’s testicles finally dropping and him standing up to Beatrice for her hypocrisy and as I said before, it adds some needed depth to their characters and relationship, but the chunk at the end of her and Ronove basically withdrawing from this round of the game and then the long peptalk segment absolutely decimated the momentum that the episode had going. Hideyoshi’s little witch noogie was especially terrible. After guns, demons, and uh… bunny girls… a noogie and some proselytization are not a welcome change of pace. Hopefully we’ll get more crazy and fewer noogies next week.

Brief Summary:

After Rosa and Maria’s bodies are found in the real world, Beatrice is feeling a bit hurt that Battler blames her for it. She tries to protest that she didn’t do it, but he reminds her of all the murders that she has more than happily claimed responsibility for and turns his back on her. Back in the real world, Eva’s losing her mind even more. Evatrice appears before her and declares that she’s become independent of her. Kyrie, Rudolf, and Hideyoshi form their own strike squad and set out to investigate. Evatrice will have nothing of this, so summons Belphegor and Leviathan to kill them.

However, Rudolf and Kyrie are surprisingly capable in combat and are easily able to hold the stakes off. Kyrie reveals that she’s got her own dark side that gives her strength, as she’s not Battler’s mother. Evatrice appears before Rudolf, but he wastes no time and tries to shoot her too. Belphegor jumps in front of her and takes the bullet instead. Kyrie rejoins them just in time for Evatrice to summon new killers, the Siestas. Rudolf and Kyrie try to retreat, but the Siestas combine their magic and shoot a bow that kills both of them in one shot. Hideyoshi finds them and tries to knock some sense into Evatrice, but she controls one of the dropped guns and shoots him in the back. Beatrice appears and tries again to convince Evatrice to stop the killing with the riddle solved, but Evatrice is going to do whatever she feels like.

In the metaworld, Ronove and Virgilia excuse themselves. Virgilia goes to a mopey mopey Beatrice and gives her a peptalk and reminds her who the real endless witch is.

Posted in Umineko | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Cross says:

    Bah, Eva and Hideyoshi really were suspicious in EP3.

    I mean, it’s really apparent that these scenes aren’t really true, so it’s possible that Hideyoshi went with Rudolf and Kyrie to the mansion to kill them, but was unsuccessful, and then got killed himself.

    Or he was successful, prepared a fake body, then ran into another person who later killed him.

    …..wai- hmm

    • karasu says:

      I see you’re anti-fantasy.

      Well you know what? There is no answer other than magic, deal with it.

      • Cross says:

        Haha, whatever, you anti-mystery believer~

      • Zaric says:

        I have to agree Karasu on this one. Up until the final act of the first two it was very probable that a killer was on the loose.

        In this one though it’s all magic. The first set of killings aren’t compatible with the second set which they didn’t even bother trying to explain, and the third set which just happened.

        Unless we got 2 killers… But it’s easier to say a Witch did it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well in Higurashi the multiple worlds all had different killers, but the net result was the same. I figure it’s going to be the same with Umineko.

      • Aroduc says:

        Multiple killers (or one mastermind plus someone assisting him/her) would be par for the course, especially given the “And Then There Were None” parallels.

  • chad001 says:

    WERK: “Coming Fall 2010, Umineko no Moon Wars…, now with 50% more Love-Love Attacks!”

    Battler: “Erupting Burning Finger!” Over 9000 dmg…

  • […] the real Eva. Eva Beatrice picks ups one of the guns and kills Hideyoshi. Like it was mentioned byTenha Seiha it did feel kind of silly what Hideyoshi did compared to what just happened. I think that it […]

  • […] dead bodies of Rudolf and Kyrie, he slaps her and then gives her what Aroduc describes perfectly as witch noogies, lol. The slap was legitimate, but the little witch noogies were indeed hardly a fitting […]