October 22nd, 2009
Oh lord.
Well, I have mixed feelings here. The first half of the episode was atrocious. It was nothing but about 8 straight minutes of listening to Ascoeur sing irritatingly about her pudding, ending with the most contrived Rube Goldberg sequence imaginable to ruin it. From there, they decided that the best thing to do would be to break into a government building in order to get her a new pudding. It was probably even worse than it sounds because Ascoeur’s voice has a way of drilling into your skull. Blah blah blah, super hacker Q-Feuille etc etc YAWN.
However, then they started to run into Tweedle Dee’s traps. The first one was YARANAIKA arm wrasslin. Nobody expects YARANAIKA! The second was a gas that turned their voices into DEEP MUSCLE MAN VOICES. The third was a bridge made of sumo wrestlers that they had to crawl across. It’s like they’re channeling the lost spirit of Inukami here, and it was hilarious. Granted, after all that, the little Dee-bots that gave them giant Dee-afros was a little bit lacking in comparison, but the wheels came off this one about 12 minutes in and the show left normality to go trawl around in Wonderland for most of the rest of the episode.
Overall then, even though the first half bored me to tears, the second half was hilarious, so I’m still pretty pleased with how this is turning out thus far. Certainly not what I expected, but enjoyable nonetheless.
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