Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei #05 — Blue Slew

August 2nd, 2009


Ow, my brain.

Yes yes, I’m late. I’m also still minorly buzzed from alcohol. That may or may not impact my understanding of anything here.


Have I complained about the half-assed openings and endings they’re using this season to fill time yet? Ah, yes… I have. It just becomes all the more obvious when the episode ends in partial silence because Meru isn’t singing her half of the song. At least she squeaked a little bit. This episode was still definitely not one of the better ones for this series regardless.

Part 1 covered advertised easy ‘victories’ of the world, although it spent about as much time with them playing Old Maid with cards to trump their old lives. I didn’t find it really that interesting, and the Old Maid dragged on a little bit. About the only thing that made me chuckle a little bit there was from HYPER MEDIA CREATOR ZETSUBOU being one of Nozomi’s trump cards.

Part 2 started out being about improperly paying attention to the date, but then they got distracted and just started punning off of ‘buru’ -> ‘blue’ for about two straight minutes. A man can only take so many bad puns in a row. I’m probably still too buzzed to understand exactly why Nozomi was eating a dog too. The final part was Kafuka making up the new non-word "Slew" (well, "suruu") to describe a new lifestyle… not exactly a ‘slow life’ but something sort of in non-progress, or quarter finished I guess. I think that when they start making up new words and then trying to find things to fit, they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Posted in Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • tertyl says:

    I spy with mein little eye, a Cooking Master Boy reference!

  • Lero says:

    Homero Simpson wife hairfit style!!

  • PirateJenny says:

    Awesome review, as always! Hope your head doesn’t ache so much now. :)

    I liked the episode, although I only understood the jokes once I went back and did some research on the terms used. The whole “blue” bit was actually about the term “uruu” (閏), which means a leap month/week/second, etc. In the ep’s case, they used it to mean a superfluous person or thing. The “blue” bit was a play on words. As for the “suruu” vignette, “suruu” is a term meaning to ignore or pay no mind. Hope this helps. :)