Comiket 76 Wrapup and Parking Lot
August 29th, 2009
As far as the games from this one went, I’m pretty disappointed. The two new Touhou editions were really just about the only things that I found noteworthy enough to even mention. I still haven’t been able to try Alternative Sphere yet, but nothing else has so much as held my attention for more than three or four minutes. Maybe a couple years ago was just the renaissance for doujin games. I miss the times when stuff like Crescent Pale Mist, Guardian Heroines, Blood Over, Battle Moon Wars, etc etc was coming out ever single Comiket. Oh well, maybe in the winter.
At least there’s always the parking lot to marvel over. The Vita-Mobile is particularly frightening. How can anybody even drive that? The powder blue Rei-van covered in pink hearts is in a class all to itself. Shamelessly stolen from Senakablog (NSFW) like always.
Posted in Doujin | 9 Comments »
so is it pretty normal to run into a decked out car like this in Japan?