Press Your Luck BASARA #07 — No Whammy, No Whammy, Stop!
May 13th, 2009
Damn, so much for this week.
Another really tedious episode full of talking heads that take 20 minutes to make a little hop, step, jump over the shallow tepid puddle that this show calls a plot. Kasuga and Sasuke’s weekly flirting/exposition session should really never be the high point of an episode. Hisahide is holding some of Masamune’s men hostage and wants his swords. Kojurou thinks Masamun’s life is more important than his swords. 10 more minutes of Yukimura whining and a bunch of stills meant to be Kojurou beating up a still-injured Masamune later, the episode ends.
At least it does end with Yukimura riding off to save Kojurou, as well as the Death Trio bearing down on him, so I’m hoping that the preview was just misleading and contained no action whatsoever because it was too awesome to spoil. Hopefully there’ll be a Jet Stream Attack involved.
That’s my illogical rationalization and I’m sticking to it.
You’re not looking too good there, Kojurou.
Posted in Sengoku Basara | 3 Comments »
You know, the first time Kasuga did her spontanious orgasming thing, it was hilarious. The second, it was amusing. Now it just feels really stale…