Chrome Shelled Regios #10 — Loli Wants Up!
March 14th, 2009
Gorneo is the ugliest damsel in distress ever.
Sort of a disappointing ending to the Gorneo arc of the story. Shante attacks Felli and Layfon because she thinks it’ll make Gorneo happy. Layfon easily deals with her, and then protects them both from an explosion with LAYFON MOUTH BEAM. I wish I was joking. Then Layfon ‘shocks’ the world by saving Gorneo instead of killing him. A little cold blooded murder would spice things up, but it would really be a reach for the current Layfon to do that. It probably would have been less uncomfortable than Layfon slowly but continuously leaning closer to Gorneo’s face through that conversation. If "Eternal Flame" had kicked in there, Layfon’s heterosexuality would have been lost forever, even after spending about 5 minutes of the episode with his head between Felli’s thighs.
I was also a bit disappointed that they didn’t really resolve the Nina stuff either, although this episode ended on a bit more of a silly squabble, essentially "I hate you," "I know," "No you don’t," "Yes I do" ad nauseum, but as always, Felli was the highlight of the episode. This time, she insisted on riding on Fon-fon’s shoulders. Her steady subjugation of Fon-fon’s dignity is one of the most charming things about this show, although she so did not deserve faceplanting into a steel girder. The ram spirit thingy of the ruined city could have been a little interesting if practically anything about these spirits wasn’t incomprehsible twaddle. I don’t blame Layfon for trying to split its face in half one bit. The Anubis men made a brief appearance to chase it around, but it was chilling at Zuellni afterwards, so apparently they didn’t catch it.
The preview for next week was literally nothing but unknown boobs and butts… and one shot of Karian looking crazy. I seriously have no idea what this means.
Regios: Beach anime.
Posted in Chrome Regios | 19 Comments »
Yeah… that scene was coming dangerously close. D:
My thoughts exactly. Y U DO DIS?
And damn Nina. She ruins everything. Why’d she have to catch stupid cat girl?