ef ~ A Tale of Memories #05 — Wrong Show, Shaft
November 3rd, 2008
…What next? An episode all about Renji?
Hellllllllllloooooooooooooooo pacing problems.
Both stories came to almost a complete halt this week so we could focus on… Kei. I didn’t even like Kei and her jealous sense of self-entitlement in the first series, and I like her even less when she’s just shoehorned in for no real reason and then likely going to disappear again for the rest of the series. I’m not even vaguely curious as to why both Mizuki and Chihiro immediately shoved their faces into her crotch when they saw her. I’m that annoyed. If they wanted to make an epilogue, then they should have made an epilogue, not randomly thrown it in in the middle of other stories.
Yuuko’s story inched ahead slightly further than Mizuki’s by virtue of screen time, though really all we saw was that she’s continued to be bullied, though at this point, given how mentally unbalanced everybody on the show is, I wouldn’t be shocked in the slightest if she was doing it all to herself. Similarly, Akira is rather unhinged and the episode ends with Yuuko holding something, hopefully a knife, at his neck. Nagi’s also still drawing hundreds of nudes of herself and then defiling them, but since that’s about all she does in that time frame, I still have no idea why we’re supposed to even be paying attention to her or caring. She also apparently visits random abandoned train stations to play amateur psychiatrist and then tries to break Mizuki by claiming she dated Kuze. That’s it. That’s all that happens in the Mizuki/Kuze arc this week. Random woman that Mizuki assumably doesn’t know shows up and says "Step off, chicken legs." If you don’t care about Kei, you could honestly skip to the last 3 minutes of this episode and miss absolutely nothing in either of the main stories.
Posted in ef | 2 Comments »
Yay! Now the fun can really start~
I sure hope they won’t screw it up, though. It has to be juuuuuuuuuuuuust right~