Kemeko Deluxe! #04 — Tits; Ass

October 26th, 2008


Ass; Tits.


I don’t know… I’m just not really feeling it for Kemeko any more. I’ve seen every single joke here before, and it’s just not bringing enough new to the table to really keep me laughing. The first episode with all its weirdness and the ‘sexy’ Kemeko bot was definitely funny, but here we are, three weeks later, and half the jokes still being recycled from episode one… and it’s just tiresome. The endless barrage of trashy fanservice also didn’t really help this episode out too much. No rhyme or reason to it, just the males going "summer’s awesome!" –boing boing boing– :closeup of bikini bottom: So really… tits… ass… Hayasaka makes up some crazy rumor, Kemeko either dresses provocatively or Kemeko goes out of control and blows something at random up. Oh, and Izumi angsts it up in a corner. I’m tired of this formula now. Let’s find a new one.

It’s feels a bit odd… I’m still rather enjoying Macademy, which is far more shameless than this and nowhere near as well produced, but I think the difference is that Macademy has been adding new jokes, and gimmicks every episode while Kemeko just keeps rehashing the same. Mac also has a far more uniform distribution of violence against all characters and not a single character that I totally despise. It’s really a pity that the swim race didn’t settle anything at all between Izumi and Kemeko because Izumi’s angst and genericness turns every one of her scenes into a downright slog. I don’t think ‘slog’ can even be used that way, but she’s honestly just terrible and I want her to be thrown into an incinerator.


A date with Kemeko.

Posted in Anime | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • bob says:

    tits, ass

  • pie says:

    this rawks