Battle Moon Wars Act 4 Full Version Released

October 4th, 2008

Yes, I am aware that it’s out. It adds a character dictionary, sound dictionary, changes some minor interface stuff (uuuugggghhhh), and adds a New Game+. I’ll get around to version checking the previous… er… version and incorporating the changes into the patch (along with the finished script files for up to stage 42, which is about 50% of the script) as soon as premier week is over, so expect something around next weekend. A quick glance shows that no new stages were added and only the Mech-Hisui Mazinger attack was undummied. No Sugoi Beam for you, sorry.

Aaaaaaaaand back to the premiers. Just Kemeko left for today… and Tales of the Abyss 2… Thank Zeus. Since I’m expecting a new OP for ZKC, I think I’m going to punt on covering the stream this week. You’ll survive… somehow. I may not get to that until tomorrow then. *shrug*

Posted in Battle Moon Wars | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • DominicanZero says:

    So if I get this latest version, I can start h4xx0ring the EXE for translations? =p Or do you think this will introduce a few additional bugs that Werk will correct in yet another upcoming patch? XD