Kyouran Kazoku Nikki #24 — More Characters, More Confusion

September 21st, 2008


Would it kill you to make sense for once?

Sorry this is a bit late. The raw didn’t show up until very late and then the episode all but knocked me out so I put off writing after sleep.


Maybe it’s because I was still half asleep when I watched this, but even for KKN, it was not the most comprehensible of episodes, and certainly not helped by tossing in a couple brand new characters who are varying levels of irritating. Aside from being a Kyouka fangirl for reasons beyond my understanding, Cupie earned my wrath by being a blithering moron and being unable to pronounce her ‘s’es. Motor mouthing while mispronouncing words just gives me a headache. I had hopes when she actually attacked the family, but then she was stomped by Teika and just stood around like a lump until Oasis blew the water out of her. The ‘big boss’ (I guess) also showed up, and it’s yet another one of the water people/thingies with a vendetta against the deity ‘lovers,’ though Gekka squished it without any issues.

Otherwise, not much of interest. Kyouka angsted out a bit for no good reason and Raichou was startled into accidently launching a missle at King by her superior, a mysterious drill haired woman. Gee… where have we seen drill hair before? It’s a good thing anime characters never change their hair style or appearance. I don’t even want to know why the Himemiya girl is in charge of this whole thing because I envisage some kind of wacky and convoluted "we were going to give you a happy life and then take it away" plot to harass Yuka. Meanwhile, aliens are still invading the planet and there are multiple gods wandering around leaving destruction in their wake. That means… time for a drum party!


Kyouka goes crazy.

Posted in Kyouran Kazoku Nikki | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • AGear2Ax says:

    For a little moment I thought that the Kyouka fangirl Aroduc was talking about was himself. Anyways, “isn’t it beatufil? the way they introduce new characters when the show is going to end?” how annoying, I’m sick of this, it is becoming a tradition…

  • Reikalover says:

    Given the popularity of Kyouran Kazoku Nikki in Japan, it’s likely that the series will have a second season. The light novels are still publishing and with high sale numbers.

  • Vangui says:

    Yes, this series was rumored to be two seasons of 26 episodes. But it isn’t official, so they could end it if it wasn’t profitable enough…

  • anonymous says:

    To bad they can’t wrap it up but it is a great show.

    My theory is Ouka is the prophecied child of Enka cause he can’t love, but then his love for his family will make him save the world rather then destroy it.

  • Myssa Rei says:

    … Isn’t that Chika’s older sister? Maybe it’s because I just watched the translated Vitamin C episode, but I can’t really remember any other blonde with perms, and Ginka doesn’t count.

  • Shippoyasha says:

    The more pointless it is, the more awesome IMO>

  • james says:

    So Gekka is Enka and the water spirit was the prophecied child and the whole family operation was pointless?
    wow this is more confusing then life the universe and everything.