IkkiTousen – Great Guardians #04 — 20 Minutes of Lesbian Jokes
July 2nd, 2008
Who knew I’d get tired of them so quickly?
I… feel like the show is losing a bit of focus here. Straight out of "terrible romantic comedy cliches 101" come a set of necklaces that let loose the hidden feelings buried deep inside for various Kann-u antics in multiple forms. I’m not entirely certain that we’re done with the necklaces either, since it really did seem like they were setting them up to by the vector that Ryofu will return to her usual/real self, but… well… next episode is a beach episode with absolutely no trace whatsoever of the Saji cliffhanger here. Not to mention that the mysterious witch was nowhere to be found this episode.
I just think that at the moment, they’re trying to have their cake and eat it too. Admittedly, that is what you do with cake, but we’ve got the Ryomou/Ryofu thing going on with actual plot, and then we’ve got the other 50% of the show. I like the Ryomou/Ryofu parts, and not just because I like submission style bondage combat maids and potentially angry angry bronzed bisexual overlords, though it does help. Kann-u though… is getting a little tiresome. Her fierce loyalty from Dragon Destiny has been turned into a running gag and honestly, I think that kind of undermines her entire character. Every now and then is fine… the first episode was a little much, but it was still alright. 20 minutes of it? I realize IkkiTousen and serious business are not bedfellows, but throwing away all of last season’s development on that front for a few cheap tawdry laughs just feels very very wrong.
She’s simply not the menacing almighty God of War like this… she’s just a joke.
Also note that when I started out writing, I was thinking "decent episode, good for some laughs, wish it had more plot and less magical nonsense" and only when I started really thinking (perhaps overthinking) what was going on did I get sort of malcontent. It’s also very late at night and I should sleep. *shrug* C’est la vie.
The sun sets over… somewhere. Kann-u is trying to make a move on Ryuubi in the library. She leans in close, having already mounted Ryuubi’s knee and reaches for the panties. Ryuubi tells her to wait and puckers up for a kiss. Kann-u leans in…
She opens her eyes. Ryuubi’s found the book for Koumei. Kann-u’s pissed and snaps at Ryuubi, who cowers behind Koumei. The loli smirks at Kann-u in victory.
Kann-u wakes up from her nap. It was all just a dream.
Kann-u heads over to the lockers at Seito and a mountain of presents pour out of her shoe locker. Another girl is there to freak out, hand her a gift and then spazz away. Apparently Kann-u’s loved by all the girls at the school.
Chouhi shows up to poke some fun at Kann-u and collect the presents. Kann-u wants to know about the teachers/trainers… but they’re pretty much slacking off too and need the girls (and monk!) to do some cleaning. Chouhi laments it, but Kann-u’s lost in thought and needs to be jolted out of it.
A bus drops off Koukin and his (highschool) harem. They’re there to visit Seito and clear things up about the other day. Sonken thinks that Ryuubi must be amazing and brought a lunch to share with her. Hakufu has her own giant lunch as well.
Poor Goei is at home eating her crappy little fish and fantasizing.
Chouhi is moving random boxes around. She drops one and some jewelry pops out. Being particularly stupid, she puts the necklace on. There’s a flash of light. Kouchuu bumps into her with his own boxes. She uncharacteristically starts crying out about how embarassed she is and shrieks when Kouchuu reaches to help her.
Kann-u comes running up, not really understanding what’s going on. She reaches down to pull Chouhi up, but she just keeps squealing about how it hurts.
Kann-u notices the jewelry and tears the necklace off Chouhi. She immediately reverts to her normal tomboy nature.
Koumei shows up to explain that they’re magical talismen that affect the spirit of the people who wear them. They bring out the true heart of the wearer or some such rot. Kouchuu, being likewise stupid, puts another one of them on. He then grabs Chouhi’s chest and goes to town. She throws him off and away. He’s now yammering in a strange accent and starts hitting on Chouhi with a venegence.
He makes another move for Chouhi, making it under her shirt this time. Chouhi punches him through a wall this time, but he’s not deterred in the slightest. Instead, he switches to hitting on Kann-u. He walks up to her and goes right for the boobs. Kann-u just raises her spear and slices the necklace off him.
Kouchuu reverts, but Kann-u and Chouhi kick him off into the sky anyway. Koumei says a prayer for him.
Kouchuu, somewhat injured, keeps unloading crap while the girls relax. Ryuubi comes running up with a book for Koumei. Kann-u remembers that part of her dream and blushes away from Ryuubi. Chouhi thinks she might be ill, so it’s the old forehead test until Koumei pulls Ryuubi away. They’ve got a hot date to hang out together. Chouhi plays around a bit and playfully threatens Ryuubi, who pretends to hide behind Koumei… the second part of Kann-u’s dream come true.
Ryuubi and Koumei happily scamper off while Kann-u wonders about what it all means. Chouhi points out that she’s being weird lately. Kann-u thinks about the necklaces and stares at the box.
Kouchuu was slacking off, so Chouhi yells at him to be their guinea pig. Kann-u waves it off though.
Koumei’s dozing on Ryuubi’s shoulder under a tree. Such a nice day. Kann-u’s eavesdropping on them in jealousy though.
Chou-un senses something. The box with the necklaces is open.
Kann-u’s got one of the necklaces and is starting to spazz out in her desire to use it and discover the truth.
Chouhi and Kouchuu wander out of Seito and meet the Nanyou trio coming in.
Kann-u sneaks up on Koumei and Ryuubi, but Koumei suddenly wakes up, loudly saying that Ryuubi is her’s. Ryuubi’s surprised, but Koumei goes back to napping and fondling Ryuubi’s chest.
Ryuubi suddenly looks over and greets Kann-u. She says that it’s good to see her, which gives Kann-u the confidence to give her the necklace as a present.
Ryuubi thanks her and Kann-u fixes her with a stare. Kann-u grabs Ryuubi and tells her to put it on. Ryuubi does… but nothing happens. Kann-u’s surprised and asks if she feels anything or likes anything. Books. Kann-u collapses in disappointment, saying that she doesn’t know if Ryuubi likes her. Ryuubi corrects her, she does like Kann-u. Kann-u demands that she say it again. "Suki desu!"
Ryuubi has to ruin it by then saying that she likes everybody. As Kann-u collapses, Ryuubi wants Kann-u to try on the necklace so puts it on her. Massive glowing energy and then Kann-u gets up, stricken with lust.
Chouhi calls out to them with the guests.
Kann-u sees Hakufu and remembers the jealous rage from episode 1. She grits her teeth and mentally thinks that she won’t let Hakufu interfere. Chouhi notices the necklace, but Kann-u grabs Ryuubi and runs off.
Luckily, Chou-un shows up. Unluckily, she’s wearing one of the necklaces now. Chouhi tries to explain the situation… not noticing that Chou-un’s got the necklace on… until Chou-un runs off after them. Everybody watches them go, vaguely stunned.
Kann-u throws Ryuubi to the ground and pulls up her shirt. It’s destiny that they be together! Kann-u goes for the panties, but Chou-un slices open the door… and looks a little embarassed. Ryuubi’s happy that Chou-un was worried, but Kann-u’s pissed again.
The Nanyou gang has had the situation explained to them. They’ve got to hurry before something happens.
Kann-u and Chou-un face eachother down in the courtyard. Ryuubi’s not really sure what’s going on. Chou-un wants to challenge Kann-u. The Goddes of War likewise levels her blade, and returning the sentiments. Ryuubi protests, so Kann-u uses the butt of her spear to lift up Ryuubi’s shirt and tells her to shut up again.
Kann-u and Chouhi attack as everybody else arrives, but interfering… probably not good.
The two trade blows but are evenly matched. They seperate and stare the other down. They rush to attack again, but a huge chi blast strikes between them, knocking both out.
It’s the Seito master.
Kann-u and Chou-un get up, but Ryuubi recoils from Kann-u, saying that she’s scary. Kann-u thinks that she’s failed Ryuubi and moves to slice her stomach open in shame. Ryuubi slaps her and yells at her for trying to do something even worse.
Sonken’s got some Sun Tzu to bust out as well, which Koukin has to translate for Chouhi.
Ryuubi would be so very very sad if Kann-u died and wants to know why they did such horrible things. Hakufu’s got a necklace and the answers. Well, it’s a lie for Ryuubi’s sake, but Chouhi plays along. Surprisingly crafty for Hakufu.
Ryuubi finally thinks to ask why Hakufu is here. Apparently someone forgot that they already had plans. Hakufu throws up her hands in general Hakufuness, sending the necklace into the air and around her neck. Demonic laughter rings out.
Ryofu gets dressed and excuses herself. She’s caused enough hassle for Ryomou. She thanks Ryomou, but Mou-chan’s not really sure about this. As the two leave, Saji is waiting for them outside.
Wait… how’d we end up at the beach?
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V blocked by the loli once again!